Nourish Mama by Sherry Rothwell

7 Step Weightless Program

Drop more than JUST the weight!

Attn: Coaches, Authors, Speakers, Health and Wellness Experts!

Do you want to let the extra weight go and get ‘the look’ you want, so that you finally have the confidence to get on stage, be seen in videos and ‘strut your stuff’ in front of the camera!

Is this you?

Do you hold yourself back in your business, by hiding behind the computer so that no one can see you from the neck down – and avoid networking because you are ashamed of your appearance?

What if you could let go of more than JUST the physical weight, but the weight of the world on your shoulders too!

If you are going to let go of the weight, you might as well stop stressing and get organized too!

And that is what the Weightless program is all about!

I was once in your shoes……

I started my nutrition business in 2007. At first I loved spending hours in front of the computer
learning the ins and outs of internet marketing. But in time due to a progressively failing and unfulfilling marriage to a ‘man child’ who let me shoulder way more than my fair share of the weight in the relationship,  drove me to became a work-a-holic. With lack of connection, support and love from my partner, I turned to my work – a place where I could at least experience the joy of creativity and self expression while meeting my base human needs for significance, growth and certainty. The stress of being a mother, cleaning lady and cooking every single meal from scratch (without help), became too much to bare and one day I literally woke up 176 lbs. I literally had no idea how it happened since I hadn’t changed my diet.

This is for you if right now you are feeling….

a) heavy and unattractive and can’t wear what you would really like to, to feel gorgeous and proud of
the way you look
b) embarrassed to be seen – you avoid opportunities that include being on stage, seen in videos or having to ‘strut your stuff’ in front of the camera
c) overwhelmed – carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders
d) disorganized – feel like everything is crashing in on you and it makes you feel afraid to take on any more clients/work
e) chronically stressed – you’ve got personal problems that are draining your energy, burning out your adrenals and slowing down your thyroid
f) you’ve become a work a holic – your life lacks pleasure (you feel under supported and under
nurtured in your relationships and so you turn to your work to avoid the pain and feel more significant).
g) low energy – you’ve got lots of ideas, but don’t have the energy to put your plans into action
h) mood swings – you are too moody to look forward to serving your clients – far too many of your client sessions are preceded by a feeling of dread
i) you lack of clarity, focus and consistency – your hormones make you feel all over the place
j) feel like you lose at least a week of every month because you plummet with your period

Every single one of those symptoms is a sign of hormonal imbalance that is triggered by stress!

It doesn’t have to stay that way!

I am here to show you how I used the sudden unexplained weight as a catalyst to change my life and you can too!

Here is what we are going to accomplish together!

1) lose weight without having to give up the rich, sweet, creamy, comfort foods you love
2) drop what is draining the life out of you and dragging you down
3) get organized with cycles, rhythms and rituals
4) de-stress

Imagine what it would feel like if you could…..

Feel like you are back on track to living the life that you were born for, enjoying a life of purpose, pleasure and fun while making a living doing what you love. It would be such a relief wouldn’t it to feel organized and on top of it all – so that you can finally feel relaxed, calm and free to be spontaneous again! Imagine how amazing it would feel to finally wear clothes that you love, finally feeling light, beautiful and sexy again! It would be such a dream come true if you could have the level of health, energy and beauty you desire – while eating more decadently than ever! Oh yes, that would be super sweet, wouldn’t it. If only you had someone by your side to  show you how and hold your hand along the way!

You are in the right place! I can help.

Not only have I let the weight go, dropping more than 10 dress sizes, but I took my whole life and business to the next level. Finally telling myself the truth and summoning up the courage to risk everything to have the life I knew I wanted – but would never have if I had stayed with the guy.

Wouldn’t it be sooooo amazing, to wake up each day free from the drama and dead weight of relationships that that hold you back and drag you down?

Sherry has been featured on numerous tele summits including The Holistic Weight Loss World Summit alongside famous health guru’s like Marc David, Marianne Williamson, David Wolfe, Donna Gates, Daniel Vitalis and Dr. Gabriel Cousins.

Here is what else gets to happen for you when you heal your weight issue at the level of root cause…

Say goodbye to…

Ø depression (hard to be successful when you can’t trust yourself to follow through with your responsibilities in life)

Ø anxiety (how can you handle your clients issues with so many unresolved issues of your own)

Ø low energy (too tired to implement all your great business ideas)

Ø chronic unrelenting stress

Ø lack of clarity in your work

Ø lack of focus (draining your battery with busy, yet ineffective tasks)

Ø disorganization and clutter

Ø inconsistency in your marketing

Ø being too moody to serve your clients or take sales calls

Ø the overwhelm that makes you feel like you can’t handle your workload

Ø workaholism (always working & never feeling like you get much done)

Ø sleepless nights (how can you be effective if you are half asleep during the day?)

Say hello to….

√ feeling gorgeous

√ wearing what you want

√ compliments galore

√ having nerves of steel

√ feeling strong, grounded and capable

√ feel clear, focused, inspired and motivated

√ be energized all day and sleep like a baby

√ have the courage to be visible

√ have the confidence to stand out

√ become more client attractive

√ generate more income

√ be consistent and trust yourself

√ feel organized and on top of it all

What will happen if you don’t deal with more than JUST the weight!?

  • Keep hiding behind your computer where your clients can’t find you.
  • Stay overwhelmed, disorganized and never feel accomplished or be as successful in your work/business as you know you can be.
  • Stay burnt out, depressed, lacking pleasure and full of disappointment due to unfulfilled dreams and desires.
  • Be low energy, leave things undone and avoid doing what actually attracts and serves clients because you feel like you can’t handle your own issues.
  • Lack of clarity, focus and consistency means that you will not trust yourself to do what needs to be done to fulfill your dreams due to life’s distractions.

You’ve probably already tried….

Following diet gurus, doing popular and fad diets, listening to podcast, watching Youtube videos and buying diet books or nothing – because you were just about to give up.

Here’s why the 7 Step Weightless program is the best solution out there….

Not only because it addresses the root cause of your weight issue – the diet, lifestyle, mindset practices
and organization solutions are actually sustainable.

No to mention, you get to eat more rich, sweet creamy foods than you ever have, be more satiated than ever and snack as much as you want (in- between meals and before bed – on treats! not celery!) and still lose weight consistently.

Why would one ever want to go off a diet that is actually more decadent and pleasurable than the diet that kept them overweight – duh!?

Here is how this program is different….

It is a permanent lifestyle change that requires no supplements, powders, pills or protein bars – it heals your body so that you actually get healthier as a side effect  – a whole bunch of other symptoms you had due to health imbalances just go away along with the weight – with out even focusing on healing them. It is way easier. No counting (fat, carbs, protein or calories) or weighing anything – and exercise is optional.

What makes the program stand apart is it’s truly holistic nature…

This is not just a physical solution, but one that addresses much more than JUST the weight, but also the weight of the world on your shoulders too. Isn’t it time, you finally dropped what is draining you – on all levels – and actually deal with your chronic stress – instead of looking for coping mechanisms? That’s just survival. It is time to thrive! It is time to stop coping and start coming up with solutions lady love!

Skinny is nice, but let’s face it….it won’t change your life. We are going to make sure that we address your stress – and change how you look and feel taking an inside out approach.

You want to change your life? Then you are going to have to change your life! You CAN do it!

Why Weightles is not only the only TRULY holistic approach to weight loss, BUT the only REALLY smart solution.

There is nothing artificial about it. It is a permanent sustainable lifestyle and paradigm shift. Unlike other programs, you don’t have to supplement to compensate for mineral loss and you don’t have to eat so differently than the rest of society that your diet alienates you from your community and having a social life. You get to eat out at regular intervals. Unlike low carb diets, you won’t stall out your thyroid or adrenal gland and end up slowing down your metabolism. You won’t hurt your liver like the high protein and fad diets do. And because you are healing your damaged metabolism, you don’t have to follow the diet perfectly to maintain your weight. You get to be moderate – yet you totally understand what what makes you gain or lose weight – so that you can finally feel in control of your weight, instead of feeling like your weight is controlling you. You’ll know exactly how to adjust your eating habits and get back into high turbo speed fat burning mode when you want or need it – without deprivation – but with deep healing nutrient dense foods and soulful practices that fortify you – ones that make you feel feminine, strong, capable and energized!

So what exactly is the 7 Step Weightless System and what does it include?

So what exactly is the Weightless system and what does it include?

Step  1 – Awareness

In order to transform your life, you’ll have to be honest with your self about what is not working in your life anymore and face your fears head on. We’ll identify the limiting thoughts, beliefs and emotions that are holding you back while learning step by step how to harness the power of your subconscious mind to yield your power to create your life and business by conscious design.

Step 2 – Inner Work

Once you have achieved clarity on what it is that you really want in life, you are going to need to adopt a mindset to match. Your ‘Weightless’ mindset practice will empower you to consciously create your new life – one thought at a time. In order to change our outer world, we must start within. You will be creating a mindset practice that will enable you to consistently take your self and your life to higher levels. You learn how to develop your own spiritual practice that includes consciously reprogramming your subconscious mind through consistent re-evalution, releasing negative emotions, getting into the flow state and conscious creation through imagination.

Step 3 –  Raise Your Standard

In order to take your self to the next level, you are going to have to up level in all areas of your life. No more settling! We’ll walk through every area of your life and upgrade your standards.  This is the step where you make decisions and ‘burn the ships’ so to speak. The only thing standing between you and what you want is deciding and taking action from your new decisions! We also focus on challenging yourself to do the things that you’ve always wanted to do, but have been too scared to! Not only does this build your ‘courage muscle’ and give you more satisfaction in life, but it also helps you let go of the weight of disappointment due to unfulfilled dreams and expectations – the stuff  you thought you would have fulfilled by now in your life – but haven’t. It is time now to take a stand for your self!

Step 4 – Detox Your Life

This program is about more than losing just the physical weight. Is it about lifting the weight of the world off your shoulders too. It is time to drop what is draining you and stressing you out! We are going to take a deep dive into all areas of your life and make a plan for transforming it. Think eliminating clutter of all kinds – emotional, physical, mental and environmental. When you eliminate what doesn’t serve you, you’ll make space for what does! This is also the step where you start to say good bye to those love handles that come from chronic stress as we continue to shed the layers on all levels!

Step 5 –  Reinvent Yourself

See yourself skinny! We begin with the end in mind. You must step into being the person you desire to be and act from that place. It is all about seeding the mindset you need to have in order to allow your mind to command your body to let the weight go. You are going to condition your subconscious mind so that you begin to adopt a self concept of yourself as being slim. We’ll break down the paradigm that keeps you thinking that it is hard to lose the weight and establish a new paradigm that makes it possible to live into a future where focusing on your weight is a thing of the past.

Step 6 – Planning

Fail to plan, plan to fail! Disorganization is a major cause of stress. Planning is an essential part of the process of doing what it takes to live the life you truly desire. Together we keep you on track to your goals with a clear plan and weekly group planning sessions to organize, prioritize and consistently implement what needs to be done to reach your goals! In order to maintain your ideal weight, you are going to have to stay organized and on top of it all. Making consistent progress is the key to happiness!

Step 7 – Create a Rhythm

Learn how to maintain your results on auto-pilot with the power of using cycles and rhythms! You’ll love how you can get so much more done in less time as you you learn the secrets of managing your energy, instead of your time!

BONUS: Lose 15lbs in 21 Day Delish Deep Cleanse

Let’s face it, we all want results like yesterday! The only way to quickly lose weight without having it rebound back – is with a deep metabolic healing cleanse. This deep cleanse will rebuild your damaged metabolism, while nourishing your liver to balance your hormones (it’s time to say goodbye to that roll of fat under your breasts)! With your liver up and running again at optimal speed, your fat cells will begin to release the toxins that cause unsightly cellulite too! This part of the program is designed to get you quick results! The remaining phases of the program allow you to keep letting go of the weight naturally, sustainably and permanently. Best of all you have access to 12 weeks of done-for-you menu plans, complete with recipes and grocery lists – so you never have to think about what to eat!

BONUS: Delish Diet e-course

Learn what, when and how to eat to keep the weight off permanently!

Without having to give up the rich, sweet, creamy comfort foods you love – while eating better than you ever have in your life – so that you never have to feel miserable, bored, starving or deprived – and without having to count calories, fat grams or cut down on your portion sizes!

The best part is, exercise is optional!

With the Delish Diet, you’ll never feel out of control with your weight again. You’ll know exactly what to eat, when and how to maintain the results you created with the Weightless program – forever!

banner-finalBONUS: Dream Design Tribe

Have you ever had the feeling that if you could just gain clarity and get your self organized, your dreams would finally take flight?

This program is for you if you are seeking guidance on how to adopt the right mindset to condition yourself for success. No amount of knowing what to do will help if you don’t do it. And doing the right ‘stuff’ with a fear, lack and doubt mindset is a recipe for failure.

This program includes 52 plus mindset trainings that will taking you from dreaming to doing!

Here are just some of the results you can expect to create for yourself in the program…

  • Lose weight quickly, sustainably, pleasurably and permanently
  • Eliminate chronic stress (no more coping, it’s time to make new decisions)
  • Drop negative emotions and feel energized and inspired again
  • Break free of negative self talk that makes you feel bad
  • Bust through limiting beliefs that put a ceiling on your potential
  • Get beyond survival and start thriving
  • Raise your standards and have more
  • Raise your vibe and be more attractive to the good that is your divine right
  • Make self love and self care your priority
  • Reignite your passions
  • Instil healthy boundaries
  • End drama and stop patterns
  • Feel more attractive to attract more clients, abundance, happiness and fulfillment
  • Feel gorgeous and enjoy the compliments
  • More energy to get your goals
  • Have more fun and experience more pleasure
  • Feel sexy!
  • Attract a new partner
  • Gain the confidence to get out there and ask for what you want!
  • Have the clarity, focus and consistency that create success in your work and creative pursuits
  • Wear what you love and rock your own style
  • Get back on the path to fulfilling your dreams and living the life you were born to.
  • No more settling.
  • Always know what to eat and never wonder
  • Be organized in the kitchen and all areas of your life.
  • Feel organized and top of it all!
  • Be centre stage in your own life!
  • Stand out from the crowd, loud and proud!
  • Have the confidence to get on stage, be seen in videos and ‘strut your stuff’ in front of the camera!
  • Learn how eat to elevate your energy, boost your mood and balance your hormones so that you don’t lose momentum when you bleed (instead you can potent ’ize’ your business with your period, rather than plummeting each month)

Join now to get the knowledge, wisdom, support, community, accountability and results!!

What separates my work from other weight loss mentors is that I take an inside – out approach to permanent weight loss, meaning we find the root cause of your inability to lose weight and keep it off – by taking a deep dive into all areas of your life – not just diet and lifestyle, but your emotions too.

I am not one of those ‘make it look easy’ fitness junkies or ‘always been skinny chicks’ who can’t figure out why you can’t stick with counting calories or an exercise routine – I’ve actually been obese.

The approach we take is natural, sustainable and permanent – without giving up the rich, creamy, sweet comfort foods women love – no counting calories, carbs, protein or fat grams – and exercise is optional.

Personally, I can’t be bothered to count anything and I would much rather ‘work’ than work out!


If you don’t like to go deep, if you are uncomfortable with unfiltered truth telling and honest raw emotions, then I am probably not the mentor for you.

We have to face and acknowledge the crap in our lives and let it go to make room for more good – this is part of the process of becoming weightless.

If you want my help (whether by working privately together or joining one of my group programs), I am going to ask you to go deep and tell yourself the truth where you haven’t been ready, willing or able to before – so that you can be free.

Are you ready? 

If you said YES! then click here to speak with me!

Here’s a sneak peak at the core pillars that make the Weightless program the most holistic weight loss program on the planet!

  • Conscious Creation
  • Diet
  • Detox
  • Lifestyle
  • Mindset Practice
  • Drop what Drains
  • Dream Design & Planning
  • Master Organization with the Moon Cycles
  • Reinvent Yourself
  • Rhythms to Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time
  • Self Care Rituals for Rejuvenation
  • Live your Purpose
  • Community

Here is how the Weightless group program works…

1 – First, we’ll put your initial session on the calendar. You’ll also fill out some assessment forms online so that I can evaluate your current diet, lifestyle and level of health – so that I can give you personalized health advice on the Q & A calls and in your private sessions.

2 – You get access to modules with video trainings, hand outs and journal exercises for you to explore at your leisure.

4 – Each Wednesdays from 4-6pm PST, you’ll join myself and the other Weightless participants in a 2 hour group coaching call (all calls are recorded).

5 – We’ll meet on Friday mornings at 9:30 am PST for 30 – 60min to plan your upcoming week (all calls are recorded).

6 – You will receive 5 additional private 1 on 1 sessions with me (6 in total) to be used within 6 months from your start date.

So you know….

  • All group coaching calls will be recorded (so don’t worry if you can’t make all the times).
  • The group coaching calls include: Coaching, Consulting, Accountability, Belief Work and Emotional Release (on any topic ie: health, weight loss, business, relationships, organization,  emotional baggage, limiting beliefs!)
  • You get to keep the content of the Weightless program online (and get access to any and all improvements and upgrades)!
  • You will be part of a special private Facebook group where you can post questions and have them answered by yours truly in between coaching calls!
  • BONUS You will receive the Dream Design Tribe e-course which includes over 52 trainings in mindset (VALUE $397)
  • BONUS You will get the Delish Diet e-course and be added to that group to stay connected with our larger community. (VALUE $397)

Here is what you get…..

1)  Core Modules (hand outs and videos!)

2) 1 Weekly Group Planning Session – Get and Stay Organized!

3) 1 Weekly Group Coaching Q & A

4) 6 Private 45 min- 1 hour Sessions  for private  and personalized support

5) 12 Weeks of Done For You menu plans and accompanying grocery list – I’ve done the work, so you don’t have to!

6) 52 plus Dream Design trainings

7) Delish Diet e-course

Join now to get the knowledge, wisdom, support, community, accountability and results!!

Investment is $2997 plus GST  (or get the Quick Decision Savings of $500 off when you book within 24 hours of your breakthrough session)

Quick Decision Savings  $2497 plus GST (SAVE $500) Total $2621.85

Payment Plan Options

Payment Plan with Quick Decision
$2497 + 15% admin fees = $2871.55 plus GST = $3015.13
$1000 downpayment, plus 3 additional payments of $671.71

Payment Plan without Quick Decision
$2997 + 15% admin fees $3446.55 plus GST = $3618.88
$1000 downpayment, plus 3 additional payments of $872.96

* payment plans can be extended or customized



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