Nourish Mama by Sherry Rothwell

Holistic Mama Alignment Blueprint


Want to work together 1 on 1?

I love to work with motivated mamas who want to go all the way in dealing with their health issues- body, mind and soul.

You should know that I don’t just work with food, but with the metaphysical aspects of your health challenges too….we’ll be releasing on the emotions that are blocking your inherent healing forces as much as we’ll be nourishing you on all levels and eliminating the sources of toxicity in your life.

In my work as a holistic nutritionist specializing in digestive health during the childbearing years, one thing I’ve  noticed is that when we get stuck on our healing path- food isn’t the only thing not getting digested.

I have come to believe that true healing requires digesting our thoughts and emotions, as much as it requires nourishing our body and eliminating toxins.

In order to truly take a holistic approach to healing, it is my experience that we must nurture our soul ‘s purpose – and that it is our ‘calling’ that propels us forward, giving us the motivation to do what it takes to heal our body.

And yet, in my nearly 12 years of working 1 on 1 with holistically minded mama’s what I’ve noticed is that we often worry that pursuing our interests and passions, will in some way compromise our kids (or the time it takes to put wholesome food on the table). Something’s gotta give right?


What if  we’ve had it backwards all along, and that it is actually in fulfilling ourselves that we become healthy and give our children the best version of ourselves? 

Here’s the truth.

Sherry-and-Jasmine-300x200If you are not experiencing optimal health….or if you feel overwhelmed and exhausted -or worse like you’ve martyred yourself to motherhood or put your dreams on the shelf since becoming a mother-  then your kids too are missing out on being wired for health, joy and success (the truth is that by our own example, our children are being downloaded with subconscious programs that either serve  or don’t serve them).

Chances are you are probably also worried about (or fixated on) your children’s health, yet you know deep inside that there is an emotional component that is just begging for your attention as well….

I know that you know  deep inside what your child really needs, but you are likely not giving it because you are starving for your own self care or  quite possibly you find yourself just not doing what you know you need to do because you are so distracted by your commitments and inner struggles- you just can’t seem to make the time and space for the things that are the most important to you.

Something has to shift…..

warpy kitchenMama, you’ve been struggling alone with this for far too long. Let me hold your hand, elevate you and help you rewrite your motherhood journey…let’s do this together and make NOW your turning point.

The Holistic Mama Alignment Blueprint is all about trading in the either/or mentality for a both/and paradigm- asking how we can harmonize and integrate all aspects of ourselves so that we can be, do and have it all in motherhood (expressing our purpose every day and creatively giving back in service with our gifts)- without compromising our kids but rather fostering their purpose  (and your whole family’s health) in the process.

How would your life change if you could….

1) Steward your child’s purpose and feel satisfaction and peace in your mothering

2)  Plug the energy leaks in your life (and cultivate more energy)

3)  Allow yourself to sync with the natural rhythm of who you are

With the alignment session I can see clearly what it is that I need to do to get to where I want to be.

Ashley“During my alignment session with Sherry I was able to see what I wanted, needed and desired for my life laid out in an easy format. We went over every aspect of it and from that we were able to come up with concrete goals to attain my highest desires. There were days that would go by that I would do nothing towards my goal because I didn’t know what I should be doing daily to get there. With the alignment session I can see clearly what it is that I need to do to get to where I want to be.”

Ashley Donovan, Dallas Texas
Health Coach

 4)  Feel connected to your kids and share your whole self with them

5)  Nurture your soul’s calling and self care

I highly recommend working with Sherry if you’ve struggled with being “stuck”, unsure of your passions, purpose or soul’s calling

MelissaHeadShotBio“Before working with Sherry, I was completely confused about what was keeping me stuck in life. I knew that my diet was good but that there was work to be done in the other areas of my life. After 6 months of working with Sherry, I have learned how to emotionally release what is keeping me stuck, how to synchronize my energy with the moon cycles, how to outsource tasks that were draining me, and the importance of living with passion. She is a gem and the resources that she has available are endless. Sherry has spent extensive time researching various methods to help people get “unstuck” and she brought the best of herself to me in each session. When I look back at the moment I made the decision to do this for myself, I feel empowered, worthy, and thankful. I highly recommend working with Sherry if you’ve struggled with being “stuck”, unsure of your passions, purpose or soul’s calling.”

Luna Brooks, USA

 6) Feel happy now, despite your circumstances

7) Stop worrying about your own or your kids health and start really living today

Maybe, all this wonderful food you are teaching me to make is helping me digest our conversations. They are truly life changing.

Alison“I had an amazing time (as usual) on Friday. We really are making some magic in the kitchen, wouldn’t ya say?! I’ve had some shifting and lifting going on since our last meeting, it’s incredible. I’m feeling much more in control and in the drivers seat of my life.  Maybe, all this wonderful food you are teaching me to make is helping me digest our conversations. They are truly life changing. Very grateful I signed up for your package.”

Alison Hollingworth, MB

Does it sometimes feel like you are busy doing all the time, but not really getting much done (or not making time for the important stuff)?

Do you find it hard to get organized, create a plan and stick to it so that you can actually actualize what you desire in your life? If you said yes, you are not alone.

It is true that we live in a world that compartmentalizes our life. But what if you could harmonize your life as a woman, a mother and as an entrepreneur (or aspiring one) so that all the aspects of your life supported and nurtured the other parts too?

Oh yes that sounds lovely, tell me more….

What if you could set aside the time to really look at what is important to you, unearth buried dreams and desires so that you could discover the keys to feeling good where you are at (instead of feeling like you should already be further ahead)? What if you could stand back and look at your life objectively and laser focus on a few specific goals that will leverage the biggest impact overall (on the most important parts of your life simultaneously)? What if your work, mothering and social life could become integrated and resonate in harmonious flow with each other so that you finally have time for all of it?

If you find it hard to make time for yourself, set aside time for deep contemplation or focused planning and more importantly implementation, then this is for you.

You’ll do the dreaming and I will coach you through the design.

Imagine setting aside the time and space to fully focus…to be witnessed and held as you conceive a bigger dream and birth a new vision moving forward.

Oh yes mama, we’ll create a nurturing sacred space for your vision (ambiance is important of course- you might want to burn some incense, do a smudge or light a beeswax candle).

However you like it, we’ll sit together VIRTUALLY over piping hot tea (or organic & fair trade espresso : ) and go over the plan to guide your path….we’ll be working with food as medicine and doing the emotional work  and life transformation that is required for true healing….my work with you will not be simply about restoring your health back to where it was when you were comfortable. This work is about using your health challenges as a catalyst for stepping more fully into who you are and your life purpose.

We’ll begin with a ‘Soulful Healing Alignment’ strategy package….

Here is how it works:

1) Before your first session, I will send you an online healing assessment to be returned to me before our first call.

2) Next, we’ll have a 1-2hr health history session. This is where you will share with me where things are currently at for you now. During the conversation, we will create some short and long term goals and determine your next steps.

3) After our ititial conversationon, I will send you a journal exercise to help you get even more clarity about your desires (and to help me craft a unique plan for you that meets your needs-body, mind and  spirit).

4) Once you return the journal exercise to me, I will customize a 6 month plan for you with the big picture in mind.

5) Finally we will get together via skype and have a 2 hour strategy session to go over the plan, so that you understand each step and make sure that it feels just perfect for you!

*Sessions are offered via video skype, so that means that we can work closely together, no matter where you live in the world.

Your ‘Soulful Healing Alignment’ strategy package is a one time fee of $697 and includes the Nourish Pleasure e-course (Value $297)

That means that the minute you make your payment, you will receive Module 1 delivered to your inbox. This foundation material will lay the groundwork for the healing work we do moving forward together.

Just so you know…

I only do ’1 off’ sessions with  past clients or students who have previously enrolled in one of my programs, packages or e-courses. That’s how I know you are 100% committed (not just curious) and are up to speed with the basics and ready to go to the next level with me.

I know that’s quite a bit different than how other nutritionists offer their services, but here’s the thing….I only want to work with women who are serious about transforming their lives using their healing journey as a catalyst. For me, true healing is a path of transformation, not simply restoration (as in returning back to your old comfort zone- the way things were before you had the pain or discomfort you now feel). No, for me this is about you stepping into the most empowered version of yourself….sometimes that is uncomfortable.

I believe that…..

Our health challenges are our body’s way of speaking to us….and putting the break on what no longer serves, as well as shedding light on where we are  out of alignment with our true self. I believe that the pain we feel in our body speaks to where we are stuck emotionally and to what we are ‘putting up with’ (sometimes in relationship to another person or in relationship to  ourselves). And sometimes, it’s a dream never tended and a life that feels disconnected from our purpose.

To work with me, you must resonate with the philosophy that your disease or discomfort is not just about boosting your nutrition and eliminating the toxins in your body, but also what your body is saying ‘enough’, ‘no’ or ‘stop’ to.

Working with me is kind of like working with an energy healer, nutritionist and life coach rolled into one.

To get the most out of our work together, you must consider that now is your divinely appointed time to take a real path of healing….time to change your world view, adopt a new paradigm…or take a new path altogether.

Because that is the kind of journey that you and I will walk together…..

Ready to get started?

Apply here for a 30min complimentary healing blueprint intro session to make sure that you and I are a perfect match to work together!

I can’t wait to connect with you!



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