Nourish Mama by Sherry Rothwell

Turn Your Passion For Nutrition Into A Profitable Business!

In this video, I am going to share with you 2 ‘things’ you need to have 1 of, to be sure that serving as a holistic nutritionist is the right path for you, plus my 3 ingredient recipe for ‘baking’ up a business you LOVE!

Would you like to apply for a ‘Boost Your Biz’ Breakthrough Session to speak with me personally to find out if the Nourished Nutrition Business program is the perfect fit for you?

Click here to book a complimentary ‘Boost Your Biz’ Breakthrough Session!

If someone shared this page with you, go here to opt in to make sure that you don’t miss out on the remaining videos in the series!


Video 2: The 10 Reasons Your Nutrition Business Hasn’t Taken Off  (Yet!)
Video 3: Just the Essentials: What Your Health Coaching Business Needs to Succeed
Video 4: Wise Ways to Nourish Your Nutrition Business For Effectiveness, Ease, Flow, Pleasure & Success
Video 5: How to Make Sure that You Do the Right Things in the Right Order – So that You Don’t Waste Time or Energy!

What are your questions about ‘baking’ up a business you LOVE? Post them in the comments below!

I highly recommend this program, if you’ve struggled with feeling isolated in your work, feeling uninspired or defeated, or feeling unsure of how to effectively run your practice.

Before working with Sherry I had no sense of direction when it came to how to start my business and successfully run my nutrition practice. I knew I had a vision of where my potential could take me, but I lacked the self-confidence and business knowledge needed to get me there. Since joining her Nourished Nutrition Business program, I was able to pinpoint exactly what my next steps would be, and have a clear path envisioned to help me flourish as a practitioner. I felt so rejuvenated, inspired, uplifted and excited because I knew that my dreams would become a reality – no matter what obstacles life throws at me. What I loved most about the program is that long after the learning ended, I felt a sense of sisterhood with Sherry and the other ladies in our tribe. I knew that they would be there for me to help cheer me on at every milestone, and to help me troubleshoot if I needed extra support. Sherry is always somehow in-tune with my struggles because she always sends me emails with the most inspiring messages when I need them the most. She is a great coach and mentor! When I look back at the moment I made the decision to do this for myself, I feel. Empowered. I decided to stop spinning in circles like a dog chasing its tail, and to work past any blockages that were keeping me stuck. I am grateful that I listened to my heart and joined the class. I highly recommend this program (or working with Sherry), if you’ve struggled with feeling isolated in your work, feeling uninspired or defeated, or feeling unsure of how to effectively run your practice.
Annie Chaput
Kelowna, BC



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