Nourish Mama by Sherry Rothwell

Winter Rejuvenation

Do you wish you could embrace the beauty of winter and get your spark back at the same time?

What is jing? Jing is your life force energy. Traditional Chinese medicine refers to jing as our essence – it’s what determines our level of vitality, resistance to dis-ease and longevity – once our jing runs out, life ceases.

Through food we can build ‘acquired’ jing and greatly magnify the jing we were born with. Additionally, we must preserve what we have by avoiding harmful habits.

The organ in our body that stores jing for us is the kidneys and the kidneys ‘power time’ is in the winter season.

Winter is a sacred time for rejuvenating our jing!

The time is ripe for going within to access the soul’s warmth. It’s also the perfect time for soul searching and to build fortitude (inside and out).

It is not about getting shit done, it’s about going within, finding solace and inner strength.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to harness the energy of winter for gathering resources, spiritual growth and healing – instead of bemoaning and wishing it to end?

Can you imagine setting this time aside as sacred – to rest, rejuvenate and restore your physical energy, so that you can really start living….instead of living for the summer?


Is this you?….

  • dreading, resisting and hating the cold
  • feeling tired to the bone
  • can’t find your inspiration
  • everything just feels like work these days (including relationships and even self care)

Are you starting to wonder what happened to that old sparkle in your eye – and it feels like you just can’t seem to access that part of you that really knows how to enjoy life (the way you used to). You might even feel like you’ve lost touch with your pleasure, and that your joy feels buried underneath responsibilities that you can barely keep on top of.

It’s possible that you are even experiencing very specific symptoms of kidney deficiency like …..

  • bone issues (especially in the knees and lower back)
  • dental trouble and tooth decay
  • hair loss, split ends and premature graying
  • urinary issues
  • reproductive issues
  • loss of libido
  • premature aging
  • fear, anxiety and insecurity
  • adrenal exhaustion

Click here to see all the signs and symptoms that your kidneys and adrenals need some loving up this winter!

You’ve probably already tried ‘eating clean’, meditation, yoga, exercise, vacationing and even the spa, but nothing seems to really make a lasting difference. 

At the end of the day, is life starting to just feel really hard and the stress really getting to you?

I’ve sooo been there sista! I once had that spark, the limitless vision and spent countless hours delving into my many creative pursuits – and eventually my system crashed. After 17 years of a flatlined marriage, raising two young children and throwing all of myself into my work – I simply burnt out, gained 21 pounds in less than 2 months (literally obese by the BMI) and just lost interest in all of it. It felt like there was nothing new under the sun and worst of all, it felt like I missed the boat with so many unrealized aspirations. Underneath all of the responsibilities and expectations, my joy felt inaccessible.

To get back on my path I tuned back into my true desires, inner rhythms, seasonal rejuvenation and began to drop the ‘shoulds’, ‘have to’s’ and everything else that was literally draining the life out of me.

I’m here to hold the space for you to do the same.

And that’s why I created the winter rejuvenation program….

‘Rejuvenate Your Jing’: A restorative winter cleanse to fortify your life.

I am going to help you harness your ‘inner winter’ for more beauty, balance and vitality than ever – so that you can finally feel alive again and access the courage and confidence you need to push through your fears, dust off your dreams and make them come true!

Here’s what you’ll learn….

  1. Learn all about the kidney and adrenals and how their health impacts your ability to feel alive, connected and experience pleasure in your life.
  2. Get introduced to the Water Element and explore the insights of TCM to learn how to use food as medicine by exploring the energetics of food for healing the adrenal and kidneys.
  3. Discover how to restore your ‘jing’ through nutrition and superfoods to prevent pre mature aging, and promote more beauty, vitality and longevity.
  4. Learn how to release the stress, fear, anxiety, overwork and other factors that deplete our adrenal and kidney vitality.
  5. How to stop the harmful habits that deplete your ‘jing’

Here’s what else that is included….
1) Water Element grocery shopping list for winter
2) Superfoods at a glance for the kidney and adrenals
3) Hand outs that highlight the most important ‘stuff’
4) Template for customizing your very own personalized winter rejuvenation plan

and more!

Experience the feeling of community that your soul craves with plenty of support to drop the ‘stuff’ that isn’t serving you any longer.

The best part is that once you are in, you are in! We will be coming together each year in the winter to rejuvenate our jing. This is not something you do once, but rather optimal health and longevity requires making rejuvenation ‘a practice’ that you keep coming back to through living in tune with the seasons.

Here’s how I’ve made it easy for you….

  • Lessons are recorded so that you can watch/listen/read at your leisure
  • Hand outs are provided that highlight all the important parts (you can restfully absorb the the program content without having to worry about taking notes).
  • I get that you are busy, so don’t worry, this program won’t be overwhelming or depleting in any way
  • The food prep ideas and recipes will be simple, yet nourishing and easy.
  • All the trainings will be short, quick and easy to consume delivered in ‘Units’ in a private Facebook group through a combination of audio, video and live-stream trainings.

Sign me up NOW!

Take a look at just some of what is covered in the Trainings ..

Module 1: We will explore the big picture of kidney health and winter rejuvenation. Learn how to nourish your ‘jing’ for optimal health and vitality and explore the kidneys in season through the lens of Traditional Chinese Medicine to heal at the level of root cause.

Module 2: We’ll be taking a tour of the anatomy and physiology of the kidneys, adrenal and bladder so that you better understand how these organs work to support your health!

Module 3: Explore kidney and bladder pathology through the lens of western medicine to understand the mechanism of dis-ease in this body system and the potential consequences of ignoring what your body is trying to tell you through kidney and bladder symptomatology.

Module 4: What to stop doing that is depleting your ‘jing’. It’s not only about nourishment. It’s also about making sure that our ‘jing’ container is not leaking energy too! Identify what you are losing energy to in your life and systematically eliminate each and every drain to unleash your inherent energy that has been weighed down by what no longer serves on your life.

Module 5:  Natural Prescription for Adrenal Health. The modern lifestyle is a recipe for burn-out. Learn how to fortify your adrenals to support you to be able to adapt to stress all year round.

Module 6:  This module is all about creating a daily rejuvenation rhythm to support you to embody continuing to build your energy all year round!

Module 7: Learn how to nourish and heal the bladder and kidneys with holistic nutrition protocols, so that you don’t let things get so bad that you have to turn to drugs or surgery.


Sign me up NOW!

This for you if……..

  • You are exhausted and you know that something needs to change
  • You are ready to say yes to putting your self first
  • You are committed to optimal health, longevity and beauty.
  • You want to lose weight as a natural good side effect of getting healthy

and now for the BONUSES!

BONUS #1: Keto for Healing & Weight Loss Challenge (VALUE $97)

You’ve heard about keto and maybe you’ve been curious to try it, but a little nervous about it too. In this Keto 101 training I am going to share with you all about why winter is the best time to do keto and how use it seasonally to re set your health and maintain your ideal weight for life!

BONUS # 2 Exploring the Metaphysical Causes of Dis-ease Related to The Kidneys, Adrenals and Bladder (VALUE $97)

In this training we’ll explore how your body speaks your mind through kidney, adrenal and bladder symptoms. Journey into the metaphysical causes of health imbalances. Explore your body as a mirror of your subconscious mind and dig out and eliminate the emotional, mental and spiritual blocks that affect the health of this system. Includes journal prompts to get you taking action on your insights.


Ready to get started?!

YES! Sign me up for the Rejuvenate Your Jing Winter Rejuvenation Program!

Sign me up NOW!



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