Nourish Mama by Sherry Rothwell

Learn at home!

Delish Diet Starter Kit

This is for you if you are a DIY ‘er’ and want to get access to everything you need to know to drop the weight loss in a steady and sustainable way.This do it yourself kit will get you started on the path to making this the last diet you’ll ever do! None of the intellectual stuff, just the how to’s. This is for you if you just want to know enough to know what to do – and you’ll do it (no frills needed)!


  • 12 Pillars of the Delish Diet download & video training – exactly what to do, no heady intellectual lectures.
  • ‘Shop Your Way Slim’ Grocery List
  • ‘Pleasurable Pantry’ page
  • What to eat/What not to eat – quick reference sheet
  • Private Facebook group to connect with other members, for on-going inspiration, support, share recipes & more!

Click here to get started right now!

Delish Diet e-course

This is for you if you are 100% in and ready to adopt the Delish Diet Lifestyle.

You want access to all the recipes, cook-booklets, additional video, trainings and access to me in our private Facebook group!


  • Delish Diet Starter Kit
  • 4 Training Modules
  • Tips & Tricks to Blast Past Weight Loss Plateaus
  • Cook ‘booklets’ of the yummiest of comfort foods
  • Private Facebook group to connect with other members, for on-going inspiration, support, share recipes & more!

Click here to get started right now!

Heal Your Gut e-course

Do you wish you could finally just enjoy food again?

Learn how you can plan, prepare and implement a gut healing strategy that eliminates your digestive discomforts, food intolerances, mood swings, brain fog and skin problems, so that you (or your child) can FINALLY eat anything in moderation WITHOUT having to pay for it later!

This program covers……

  • How to plan, prepare and implement a gut healing strategy that you can use  to heal and boost your digestion anytime you feel like you need a reset.
  • What to eat and what not to eat on the diet (including 1 week of recipes and a menu plan).
  • How and when to come off the diet.
  • How and what to eat to keep your digestion in tip top shape so that your health doesn’t spiral back down the same path that created the problem in the first place.

Click here to learn more…..



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