How to Heal Childhood Eczema Naturally
Have you hit a place of futility your own or your child’s eczema and food sensitivities? Does everything you eat seem to aggravate your symptoms while the list of trigger foods and intolerances is increasing to the point that you wonder if there will be anything left to eat in your family’s future?
You’ve already tried….
Replacing all your staple foods with gluten free, casein and soy free alternatives, but maybe you are wondering if all this processed gluten free stuff is doing more harm than good for your long term health? You’ve eliminated the obvious triggers, but you still don’t feel like your old healthy, resilient and care free self. Sure these changes have made a difference, but you still feel sensitive to everything- and you are wondering why you don’t feel that great, even though you have eliminated everything that you’ve been told that you should.
I know how it feels…..
My name is Sherry Rothwell and I am a holistic nutritionist specializing in digestive issues in women and children, but most importantly I am a mother who has stood in your shoes. Not only have we lived with food sensitivities as a family, but we overcame them. Using nothing but food, I helped my son overcome eczema that was triggered by food sensitivities – and we did it in 4 weeks without drugs or supplements. You can read our story here…..
When my son had food sensitivities, I lived with an underlying anxiety that permeated most of my days. I worried that things might get worse and I was concerned about what was really going on in my child’s body (and what it meant about his health for the long term). I too invested thousands of dollars in practitioners, testing, supplements and gluten and casein free processed foods with minimal results.
That is why I want to share this program with you…..
While I am excited to see you free of your symptoms and able to enjoy wholesome food again, more importantly, I want to share with you what is required not only to heal, but to maintain optimal digestive health for a lifetime, so that you can experience a level of health that you may have never even imagined was possible for you.
Want to learn more about healing food sensitivities and the leaky gut diet that I used to heal my son? Sign up for my COMPLIMENTARY recorded teleseminar where I share more about our story and tell you exactly how we did it.
2) We looked at the key symptoms of leaky gut and how it starts (and how to restore your gut health after a round of antibiotics).
3) We talked about what a leaky gut really is and how it probably started in your family.
4) We learned what is required to heal it and what is required to sustain a healthy digestive and immune system.
5) Finally I shared with you exactly how to implement the diet for your family and 4 important upgrades to include to make the diet easier and to ensure that you and your child enjoy better digestive health for many years to come!
Tags: how to heal eczema naturally
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