Nourish Mama by Sherry Rothwell
Nourish Mama, a nutritional program by Sherry Rothwell

Want to get off sugar? (but not really)


You know this about sugar right?:

1) Sugar makes you fat.
2) Sugar wreaks havoc on your hormones.
3) Sugar makes you moody.
4) Sugar ages you.
5) Sugar increases inflammation
6) Sugar elevates your risk for developing cancer, diabetes and heart disease

While we know that all of this is true, it doesn’t make a bit of difference does it, when you feel the urge to reach for a candy bar or bag of chips (I know, you thought you were a salt person- but the truth is, potato chips metabolize just like sugar anyways. Busted!).

You see, the thing is that most of us are motivated by instant gratification.

The pleasure of sugar in the moment, outweighs the future health risks, right? And that’s why sheer willpower, diet plans and the very best intentions don’t work when it comes to sugar.

The truth is, when you eat sugar, it stimulates the release of dopamine, which makes you feel pleasure- essentially making your brain crave more.

Did you know that heroine, morphine and sugar all stimulate the same receptors in your brain? 

That gives it some perspective, huh? Makes it a whole lot easier to see why it is so hard to get off sugar and why so many people are in denial.

If you are willing to admit that you are addicted to sugar, there is a part of you that WANTS TO get off sugar, and there is a part of you that DOESN’T WANT TO.

You feel conflicted, right?

You probably don’t trust yourself to even try, but there is also a part of you that is gently whispering ‘you can do it’, no?

I hear that and that is why we’ve developed a sugar detox that doesn’t force you to rely on your willpower (details below).

“Yeah but”, I bet you are wondering, “Will this just be another one of those things that I’ll try ‘half ass’ but never really get into”?

If you are nodding your head, you’ve hit the point of futility.

But, here is the Truth. In every decision you make, you are either moving toward better health or away from it. Don’t ever give up on you!!

Believe in yourself and that you are worth taking a chance on!

The thing is, even if you only implement 1/4 of what we share with you, you will still make significant gains toward your best health.

I don’t know any mom who wouldn’t welcome more energy and an increased sense of well-being. That’s a priceless commodity!

Here’s the solution we provide:

1) Move toward your goal of getting off sugar as fast or as slow as you want (yes, slow is good too -remember, slow and steady wins the race).

2) Follow our 3-step method that shows you how to replace, reduce and relax about sugar (this is not about becoming a militant sugar ‘avoider’).

3) Learn to feed your body, brain and spirit to ‘purge the urge’ for sugar-we will show you how!

4) Listen to what your body is trying to tell you (we will help you discover your unique craving complex so that you can eat your way to normalizing your desire for sugar).

5) Knowledge, motivation and inspiration to get started and stay on the horse (including a private Facebook group with the other participants so that you have all of us to support you and help you stay accountable to the goals that you set for yourself).

6) What you will learn in this program will not only get you off the sugar roller coaster, but you will learn extremely important distinctions about food that medical/educational institutions and the media are NOT telling you (crucial stuff you’ll want to know).

7) Plus, everything we share (and the order in which we deliver it) is designed to get you off sugar without trying (you see, there is no reason to feel futility in this program- you can’t fail because you won’t be trying!)

Finally, this isn’t just about getting off of sugar, it is about a paradigm shift. Let us elevate you to a new and exciting way of relating to yourself and the world.

Alright – are you ready? Click here. Registration ends soon.




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