Nourish Mama by Sherry Rothwell
Nourish Mama, a nutritional program by Sherry Rothwell

We are the ones who have to embrace it!

“Thank you BOTH so so so much for your wisdom and the FUN and inspiring way you shared it. I am truly grateful, and I think what you shared – and HOW you explained it– is going to make a BIG BIG difference to so many moms – and girls!!!

I loved not only what you shared about the gut (which was amazingly
helpful), but the “mom-stuff” as well, in terms of how to work with our children around this. So often, moms think they have to get their kids to “GET IT.” And if the child doesn’t embrace it, that’s a problem. But as you so beautifully explained, we are the ones who have to embrace it, model it and continue to implement … In a way that is kid-friendly, without compromising our ideals around their health.”

Karen Schacter



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