by Sherry Rothwell

Love Your Liver


The ‘Liver Rejuvenation for Mamas’ program shows you how to CUSTOMIZE Your Own cleanse, so that you can reclaim that more vibrant, uplifted and easygoing version of yourself without putting your life on hold, risking harm to your babe or experiencing detox symptoms!

Category: .

by Sherry Rothwell

The ‘Liver Rejuvenation for Mamas’ program shows you how to CUSTOMIZE Your Own cleanse, so that you can reclaim that more vibrant, uplifted and easygoing version of yourself without putting your life on hold, risking harm to your babe or experiencing detox symptoms!

√ Do you wish you could cleanse, but you’re pregnant or breastfeeding and everywhere you look the experts are telling you it’s not safe- yet you have this sense that you are being weighted down and you want that spring back in your step?
√ Are you having trouble conceiving and wonder if liver cleansing could help increase your fertility and create a healthy inner environment in which to gestate your baby?
√ Or maybe your pregnancy and breastfeeding days are a thing of the past, but lately you’ve been feeling tired and sluggish and definitely need a boost, but you wonder if you can still focus on a cleanse while being busy with projects, mothering, work or travel?

But I thought pregnant and nursing mom’s shouldn’t cleanse?

While it may be true that it could be detrimental for moms to detox, what we are doing in this program is different because you will get the tools and distinctions that you need to safely and responsibly customize the perfect liver rejuvenation and cleansing program for where you are at- given your unique situation.

katMy breastfed baby who had a chronic red rash on her face, eczema from head to toe and susceptibility to diaper rash cleared everything in a shockingly short period, only 7 days!“Before working with Sherry, I never believed I could actually undertake the changes that I needed to. Implementing the strategies that Sherry shares for healing the gut have eliminated nearly a lifetime of chronic stomach pain that I had been enduring with nearly every meal. As well, my painful eczema has slowly healed. Plus, my breastfed baby who had a chronic red rash on her face, eczema from head to toe and susceptibility to diaper rash cleared everything in a shockingly short period, only 7 days!”

Kat Funk, Herbalist, Winnipeg, MB

It has become pretty fashionable these days to concern ourselves with the issues of our external environmenta, yet the question begs to be asked- what are we doing to take care to protect, preserve and restore the health of our inner environment?

When was the last time that you took stock of how your food and lifestyle choices are impacting the balance of your inner environment?

Have you considered how your current state of health could be impacting your fertility, your gestating babe or your ability to be a patient, clear headed and easy going mama?

So how about doing something different this year to get that spring back in your step, that sparkle in your eye and to cultivate more beauty in your life- inside and out?

kat ghjCan you imagine what it would feel like to experience the lightness of taking the burden off your liver and simultaneously feeling unburdened in your life?What would it feel like to release the toxicity that is weighing you down and at the same time releasing a few of those unwanted extra pounds (sustainably and without trying)?

Can you imagine a more radiant, energized and relaxed version of yourself as a woman, mother and lover? How would feeling radiant, energized and relaxed, impact the central relationships in your life?A more vibrant life is possible when the weight of toxicity and those energy draining deficiencies are transformed into nurturing self care habits and optimal nourishment!I know because I have been there. Click here to listen to my story in this COMPLIMENTARY call titled ‘Learn how to get that Spring back in your step with Liver Rejuvenation for mamas!

KHadadWow. It was honestly so complete… I love your message Sherry, and love your authentic, natural and traditional approach. I have to tell you how grateful I am for this program. Wow. It was honestly so complete, and as an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor and Certified Wellness Coach, I never expected to actually learn as much as I did.Thank you for making this program available in it’s holistic entirety to mamas everywhere, and for such an amazingly affordable price. I absolutely love your authenticity and guidance. We need it:)Kathryn Hadad Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor and Certified Wellness Coach, Denver, CO

The truth is…

What most people don’t understand is that – it is very difficult lead a harmonious, healthy and happy life when the physiology of our body is compromised. You may have tried diets, self help books, motivational seminars and the like, but when push comes to shove, nothing really changes because underlying our moodiness, frustration, exhaustion, lack of clarity and motivation is a real physiological cause – nutritional deficiencies and toxic excesses.

So if you are suffering from: thyroid problems, infertility, PMS, blood sugar imbalance, morning sickness, reduced immunity, sore back, sore neck & shoulders, painful joints, water retention, varicose veins, round ligament pain, anemia, reduced milk supply, numbness, hemorrhoids, indigestion, depression, irritability, visual disturbances, edema, high blood pressure, skin troubles, digestive ailments and more – your liver is trying to speak to you!!

Click here to learn about more symptoms that indicate that your liver needs some loving!

So what else does liver rejuvenation have to do with the childbearing years?• The liver is related to many of our health challenges because it is the main regulator of our body. If we want to heal or prevent common health concerns at the level of root cause, we have to support liver health.• We live in a toxic world and it is starting to impact our fertility and the health of our babies and children. We must heal our liver if we want to restore our generations fertility and prevent birth defects.

• The liver is part of our digestive system. Compromised digestion and a sluggish liver makes our babies susceptible to health challenges from tummy aches to autism.

Want to learn how to customize your own cleanse by someone who’s been there, who can hold your hand and mentor you through a spring cleanse or liver rejuvenation program?

For the past 5 years I have using springtime as a special time to consciously cleanse and rejuvenate while helping my clients do the same through private consulting and workshops.

JanaI was able to apply what I learned and have seen many benefits physically and emotionally unlocking one of the keys on my own journey to optimal health

“This is an eye opening course that empowered me to really understand how to bring healing in my body to the next level. Sherry teaches in a creative, interesting and informative way covering all aspects of healing your liver. I was able to apply what I learned and have seen many benefits physically and emotionally unlocking one of the keys on my own journey to optimal health.”
Jana Sacco, Edmonton, AB 

This is a 6 Module e-course that includes recorded calls and accompanying downloadable hand-outs  (released weekly).

Here’s the short list of just some of the things you are about to learn:

Jello Portrait√ Learn why Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women CAN Cleanse and How To Do it SAFELY.

√ Liver Healing in Special Cases: for Adults or children who were never Breastfeed (or not for very long)!

√ Learn how to use Liver Rejuvenation to Increase Your Energy, Stabilize Your Moods and empower your birth practice or mothering journey with less frustration, more patience and greater clarity of mind!

√ Learn which foods to eat to love your liver (and which ones to minimize or eliminate).

√ Learn Liver Physiology in an exciting way that helps you connect the dots between the symptoms you are experiencing, how they relate to your liver and what you can do about it.

√ Explore special superfoods for the liver- how much to consume and for how long?

√ Understand the impact of detoxification and digestive problems in the coming generations and discover what to do about it – learn how to prevent your family from being susceptible and how to restore your families health.

√ Discover how to use rejuvenation and cleansing practices to prevent and recover from common discomforts and disorders.

√ Hear what your liver is “saying”  by uncovering the accompanying metaphysical causes of a sluggish liver.

√ Learn about liver rejuvenation in the tradition and spirit of Traditional Chinese Medicine, we will explore spring as liver and gall bladder time of the year-a time when the natural elements are best suited to restore greater vitality to the liver, as well as being a special time of renewal and rebirth!

√ In addition we will embrace the western perspective of natural healing- when spring is considered to be the perfect time for cleansing and detoxification diets, because of the growing warmth and springing forth energy of the season- both of which naturally support our intention to cleanse more comfortably at this time of the year!

√ How to customize your own cleanse or rejuvenation plan -putting all the essential pieces together!

and much more….

What are the benefits of learning through an online e-course?

    1. Never have to leave home to take a class!
    2. Don’t need to hire a babysitter!
    3. Always have access to the materials organized online in one place.
    4. You can go back and listen to the recordings later if you forgot or missed something.
    5. You can listen to the recordings anytime you want, so you never have to miss a class!
    6. You can listen and learn while you cook, clean, sew, knit or ‘whatever turns your crank’.
    7. Download onto your ipod and listen while you drive, exercise (or travel)!
    8. Connect with a community of like minded mamas with our online Facebook group!

What you will receive in this program:

      • 6 Modules each with recorded teleseminars (audio classes) that you can listen to via phone or webcast (on your computer).
      • Private facebook group to connect with, share and receive support from others for some built in accountability.
      • Hand-outs and cheat sheets that make it easy to remember and reflect on what you learn in class.
      •  ‘Customize Your Own Cleanse’ Workbook that walks you step by step through how to design your own personalized liver rejuvenation program.
      • Lifetime membership to the program so that you can stay inspired and motivated to take time out to rejuvenate and pamper your liver every year.
      • Plus the following bonuses:


Harmonize Your Hormones Call
(and healing protocol)

VALUE $197


DFY (done for you)
7 Day Menu Plan



VIDEOS-Upgrading the 4 Pillars
in your Kitchen


Want to have a look see inside the program?

CLICK HERE to view the Liver Rejuvenation Program Curriculum

The liver rejuvenation for mamas program is for you if:

      • You want to look at health from a systems perspective, uncover the root cause of your health concerns, take simple steps to rebuild your liver and to share that knowledge with their family, friends (and your clients if you are a Holistic Healer, Doula or Midwife).
      • You are a mother-to-be who wants to create a strong basis of health for conception, gestation, birth and breastfeeding, in your own body and for your baby’s developing body.
      • You are a mother-to-be and you want to feel satisfied knowing that you have done everything in your power to gestate your baby toward optimal health.
      • You want to be optimally nourished and have the energy it takes to breastfeed and look after your baby with renewed energy.
      • You are a midwife or Doula who wants more knowledge and skills to help your clients overcome common pregnancy complaints for an easeful embarkation into parenthood.
      • You are a mom and you want to give up the stress, those annoying aches and pains, sluggish energy  and instead feel energized, happy, calm and have the strong clarity of mind you need to parent joyfully.
      • You were never breastfed yourself as a baby -or you never breastfed your own children and you want to learn what you can do to compensate and rebuild based on the nutritional requirements that were missing during this crucial time in your own or your child’s development.

Ready to step into a new way of being this spring? Let’s do it together!

Register now to get started right away. Modules will be delivered to your inbox weekly!

