Nourish Mama by Sherry Rothwell
Nourish Mama, a nutritional program by Sherry Rothwell

Why You Are Not Being Realistic About Losing Weight (Video Series)

Video 1: Start By Managing Your Expectations!

You have to address your mindset to get permanent results…

– Manage your expectations

– Stop thinking it ‘should’ happen faster

– Your body decides, not you

Want to learn more?

Want to get started right away? Join the Delish Diet program now.

Prefer private or group coaching? Click here to book a private session to chat with me.

Video 2: Want to Lose Weight Like Yesterday?

If I could tell the world just these few things about weight loss and everyone ACTUALLY GOT THIS, I would put myself out of business and the world would be a better place for it.

1) Face acute stress to transcend chronic stress.
2) You don’t lose weight to get healthy, you get healthy and the weight falls off as a natural good side effect.
3) If you just accepted losing weight at a sustainable rate of 1 pound per week, you would weigh 52 lbs less a year from now.

Want to learn more?

Want to get started right away? Join the Delish Diet program now.

Prefer private or group coaching? Click here to book a private session to chat with me.

Video 3: The Speed of Permanent Weight Loss

If temporary weight loss happens fast, then permanent weight loss happens…..?

Drop the fantasy that you can quickly lose weight permanently.

The minute you accept this reality – and decide that you are willing to transform your life in the process of losing the weight – you have taken your first step on the path to permanent weight loss.

Want to learn more?

Want to get started right away? Join the Delish Diet program now.

Prefer private or group coaching? Click here to book a private session to chat with me.

 Video #4 Why the Scale Isn’t Moving

The scale isn’t moving, should I quit?
Here’s why it doesn’t move…
1. set points
2. need to re calibrate
3. you are starving for nutrients

Want to learn more?

Want to get started right away? Join the Delish Diet program now.

Prefer private or group coaching? Click here to book a private session to chat with me.

Video #5: Diets Don’t End

When is this diet going to end? It is never going to end, so you better find an approach you can actually enjoy living with!

Want to learn more?

Want to get started right away? Join the Delish Diet program now.

Prefer private or group coaching? Click here to book a private session to chat with me.



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